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18th Annual Cutter Rally

Vermilion Voice

The Lloydminster Exhibition Centre along with the Alberta Carriage Driving Association- East-West Chapter will host the 18th Annual Cutter Rally to raise funds for local cancer patients, on February 26.

There are four ways to participate in the event and Event Chairperson, Della Wist explained them in a recent interview.

“Anyone can participate as a teamster, which is driving your own team, bringing your sled and, having whoever you want to on it. The second way is to be a horseback rider and go along the trail as well. The third way to participate is as what we call ghost hands, which means you just purchase a hand, and we will roll your numbers for you or you can roll them in person; you don’t have to go out on the trail but it is still an enjoyable day. The fourth way is called the participant where you will be with a teamster on their rig and have your own ticket so that you are still eligible to win, but you have to know somebody that you can get onto the wagon with, “ explained Wist.

According to Wist, the event will go ahead snow or shine.

“Years before we have had different weather ranges, we’ve had it where its been mild and slushy, and ice-crusted trails and we’ve had it -20 and -25 and we still get people out which is amazing,” said Wist.

Participants in the event are eligible to win the grand prize which is a brand new two-seater sleigh, or if the winner decides to not take the sleigh he/she can choose to take the harness package valued at $2500 or take a cash prize of $2000. In addition to the grand prize, the event will also have teamster, participant and horseback rider prizes.

“All four categories have a main prize associated with them, but not as big as the grand prize obviously, we will also have door prizes and we will have a roast beef dinner the night of the event at 5 p.m. where we will hand out all of the prizes and the best hand of the poker rally,” commented Wist.

To date, the Cutter Rally has raised in excess of $120,000 over the past 18 years and are hoping to ad substantially to that amount this year to help local cancer patients. The Cutter Rally has also been donating to Haying in the ’30s and the Health Foundation and plans to donate all proceed to them again this year.

For more information, you can contact Della Wist at 306-825-5571. Tickets are $65 and can be purchased at Lloydminster Exhibition and online at Registration for the event will be from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., the trail opens at 11 a.m. and closes at 4:30 p.m., supper will start at 5 p.m. Horseback Riders, Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons all welcome.

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