Back row from left, D Rangers; Aaron Goss on mandolin, Chris Saywell on guitar, and front man Jaxon Haldane on banjo, saw, and vocals.
Front row from left, Tom Fodey on muck bucket bass and vocals, and Don Zueff on fiddle and vocals.
The D Ranger’s fervent picking and plucking, strumming and humming had the Vermilion Folk Club audience in a Bluegrass fever during their season finale on April 22.
The audience was in for a special performance, as the group showcased their work as part their reunion tour. Many wouldn’t have guessed the band had ever been apart with their close knit prairie pride.
“I’m beyond thrilled to be reunited. These guys are more than just musical companions; they are brothers, and it feels right,” said muck bucket bass player and vocalist, Tom Fodey.
Lead vocalist, banjo and saw player, Jaxon Haldane, said their older songs are the more traditional of their collection; explaining that the band has become more progressive as they’ve gotten older. The D Rangers have four albums and are working on a fifth.
“We adore Canadian Folk music, and are proud to be part of the tradition,” said Haldane.
Their slick, eclectic sound and storytelling was added to when Haldane cut in on the musical saw. The saw howled and wailed recreating the winter wind as they sang about risking their lives to play a show in one adventurous tune that was followed by lighter feel-good songs.

D Ranger's front man, Jaxon Haldane plays a musical saw at the Vermilion Folk Club on April 22.
“They played a clean, tight show and had us all stomping our feet. There were tasty mandolin licks, and greasy fiddle solos - nice and smooth they just slid,” said fellow artist, Ray Blackmore.
Playing a mix of melodies and high energy tunes, the group received a slew of positive feedback from the audience including a standing ovation.
“Music like this creates endorphins and keeps the body moving, and incites rhythm,” said Co-founder of the Vermilion Folk Club, Dave Fisher.