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Webb’s Crop Changes Hands

Vermilion Voice

An announcement on August 28, was made regarding the purchase of Vermilion’s Webb’s Crop Services Ltd. by Richardson Pioneer Ltd.

The transition saw Webb’s Crop Services close on August 31, and Richardson Pioneer open on September 1, with all employees maintaining their positions.

Richardson Pioneer is a division of Richardson International Limited who is Canada’s leading agribusiness. As a global leader in agriculture and food processing, Richardson Pioneer was thrilled to grow their network.

“We look forward to establishing a presence within the community,” said Richardson Pioneer’s VP of Agribusiness Operations, Tom Hamilton.

According to Webb’s the acquisition will allow producers, customers, and staff to receive enhanced services and opportunities including grain handling and merchandising in Lamont, Lavoy, Legacy Junction and Marshall, SK.

The Webb’s ownership team also had heartfelt messages for their staff, partners, and customers.

“To our team of employees who have dedicated so very much to the business; thank you - you are a very large piece of our success, and we wish you well with your future employment with Richardson Pioneer. Also, we would like to thank our numerous suppliers whose partnership and trust is something we have always valued”, said Dean Fahselt, Webb’s Crop partner and GM, who will remain on to manage the business for Richardson Pioneer.

"Although very pleased that we will be able to watch the business that we dedicated so much time and investment into becoming part of something much bigger, it will definitely leave a void in our hearts knowing that part of our partnership with the producers in the area will be over. We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for your support and patronage over the years.

Our business has grown and evolved as have your operations, and that partnership and mutual growth was something we truly valued with our customers. So, although we will not have a direct involvement with your future growth as your crop inputs supplier, please know that we will continue to support your success with our other businesses. And will always be very proud of the business you helped us develop into Webb’s Crop Services Ltd,” said Webb’s President, Scott Webb.

Partner Mike Webb added, “We did not enter into this decision lightly, we sincerely believe and hope that this is a true win/win for Richardson Pioneer, Webb’s, the Crop Services staff and our customers.”

Photos Angela Mouly

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