4-H members were eager to present their steers, heifers, donkeys, engineering, baking, and even snowmobile projects during the Clandonald 4-H Multi Club Achievement Day. The Achievement Day, held on Saturday, May 26, started off at 1 p.m. with the 4-H pledge, and then quickly moved on to the events, which included: Junior, Intermediate, Senior Grooming, Junior, Intermediate, Senior Steer Class, Yearling Heifer Class, 3-year old Cow/Calf, Overall Female, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, and Overall Showmanship. The donkey, engineering, baking, and snowmobile also presented their projects throughout the day. Grand Champion Heifer, Grand Champion Steer,and Home Grown Steer was won by Alexis Garnier , Grand Champion Cow/Calf was awarded to Logan Garnier, and Overall Showmanship was given to Wyatt Jacula. Clandonald 4-H Leader, Fern Axely said, “ It was a successful day with all members from Cleavers to Seniors doing an excellent job of showcasing their projects they have worked on all year.” The day ended with 4-H Grace, thank yous, and a lunch sponsored by Rusylvia Transport (Matt and Willow Jaremco- Beef), Vermilion Credit Union (Pop and Water), and the Golden Loaf (Buns). Lynette Shirtliffe emceed the event.
Clandonald 4H Multi-Club Achievement Day
Vermilion Voice