Author, Dion Manastyrski, travelled through Vermilion on September 11, sharing his book, ‘Prairie Sunset: A Story of Change’. The fine art book shines a spotlight on the past 150 years of rural prairie history, and includes Manastyrski’s photography from across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, as well as government archives, and quotes from over 70 prairie people. “I’ve never seen anything like this book and in 2003, I began making eight trips across the three prairie provinces photographing old farm buildings and artifacts. They are disappearing and I wanted to capture as much of it as I could,” said Manastyrski. The book is geared towards people as a keepsake to pass down through generations. Wanting to create a feeling for his readers Manastyrski created a compilation of his interview subjects and said, “I grew up on a farm and thought I had heard it all until I did this!” Many of the people he spoke to only brought simple tools, and what they did to survive the early years amazed him. His book is a tribute to the homesteaders and what arose from that. In his epilogue, Manastyrski describes the beauty of prairie life and why family farms are so important. ‘Prairie Sunset: A Story of Change’ is available at Rural Roots Florist & Barnyard Creations in Vermilion, Confectionary 881 in Mannville, Wainwright Flower Cart in Wainwright, Everything Tea & Gifts in Vegreville, Java Blossom Flowers in Viking, Killam Guardian Drugs in Killam, and My Second Drawer Home Store in Provost.

Photo credit: Dion Manastyrski