From left, Sheila Heit, Kevin Sommer, and Justin Thompson at the Start Up Meeting for a Writer’s Group in Vermilion on January 24. Photo Angela Mouly
The Vermilion Public library hosted a Start Up Meeting on January 24, as a way to see if there would be enough interest in Vermilion to have a writer’s group. Programs Coordinator, Sheila Heit led the meeting as a way to initiate it, and noted that in the future, the library could work together with the group. With approximately 10 people attending and more who may join in the future, she was thrilled with the turnout. “The Vermilion Public Library targeted local writers throughout January and held a book display which people really enjoyed,” said Heit. Participants of all genres and experience levels discussed what they would like the group to offer. Possibilities discussed included a dedicated time for writing, using prompts, sharing tips, hosting guest speakers or presenters, networking and sharing ideas. Ultimately participants decided that the group was a good idea mostly to offer support and encouragement to one another, whether members were looking for consistency, accountability, or to improve their craft. The new Writer’s Group in Vermilion will be meeting every three weeks beginning February 21 from 6 - 7 p.m. at the Vermilion Public Library’s meeting room. Many noted that they already look forward to the group, and Heit said, “I’m so thrilled that so many people attended, and to the others that have shown interest. Thank you to those who have started the ball rolling.”