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Upcoming Johnny Cash Tribute In Vermilion

Vermilion Voice

David James, Johnny Cash tribute artist. Photo submitted

David James & Big River will be performing Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings tributes at the Vermilion Regional Centre at 7:30 p.m. on March 28. The show will include a story telling journey featuring a multitude of Johnny Cash hits. Performer, David James, has studied and read his history, and even speaks like him. He participated in a documentary on Johnny Cash, ‘My Father and The Man In Black.’ He is a skilled harmonica player and will take the audience on a walk through time. “Many people can remember where they were when those songs came on the radio,” said David James. He will also be performing a Waylon Jennings tribute, with additional classic songs. With the same band, he will play both characters. “The neat thing about Johnny and Waylon is that they were good friends; they were even roommates at one point,” said James. The evening will see Phil Hagen as drummer as well as lead and backup vocals, Allen Metcalf on lead electric guitar, and our #1 road manager Todd Sacerty on backup vocals. “I’ve been performing for the past 11 years and it’s the best job in the world! When you are on the stage, you have everyone’s attention and are portraying people that meant a lot to them," said James. Originally from Tofield, Alberta, he and the band now hail from Nanaimo, British Columbia. James is looking forward to being back in Alberta, and noted that the night will be full of charisma, jokes, stories, and hit songs. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased by ‘cash only’ at the Vermilion Seniors Centre or online at

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