Cattle woman, April Ockerman, has just released two new podcasts and three new e-books detailing all kinds of helpful information for anyone in the cattle industry. They are geared towards people interested in halter training cattle, selling cattle and showing cattle. Producers and 4-H members alike can benefit from her first-hand knowledge in the industry as she continues to manage her own herd and help with her family beef cow-calf operation near Dewberry, Alberta. In her free time, Ockerman also judges showmanship and grooming for beef shows, judges public speaking and offers one on one coaching with 4-H members and their calves. Her three e-books are titled, ‘Why Train Cattle,’ ‘Complete Guide To Halter Training Cattle,’ and ‘Complete Guide To Leading Cattle.’ Her two podcasts are titled ‘Training Cattle, Selling Cattle, Showing Cattle & TG,’ and ‘A Voice of ALO Cattle Women.’ Her e-books are available on www.amazon.ca, and her podcasts can be listened to at https://podcasts.apple.com, http://alotgjp67.libsyn.com/ or http://april89.libsyn.com. Ockerman previously found that there was limited material for these types of books available, especially online. Subsequently, she thought it would be a great niche for her to focus on. “I decided to do the podcasts and e-books because it was a way for me to give back and they are a great education and learning tool for people,” said Ockerman. The process for creating podcasts was something she had wanted to do for a long time but put off being apprehensive about what people would think. In October of 2018, she decided to go for it, and created episodes putting them up on the directory, and was surprised about how much positive feedback she received. Her podcasts explain why beef producers, cattle ranchers, or people who show their cattle would train them, and educate people already in the industry on how a cow can become quieter. Ranchers or 4-H members can learn extremely valuable techniques on how to halter train their cattle. She also shares tricks to make leading progression easier overall, as well as her knowledge on tower gardens. “These e-books and podcasts allow people to keep up to date with my work, have a broader reach as well as provide a channel or hub of information to download or listen to whenever you like which is a huge benefit. They are easy to understand so people don’t have to go searching for information on how to do things. Having the convenience of technology now available helps when people are having issues because they can use their phone in the corral and within minutes can find the technique that they want to use. I put up a brand new episode on both podcast shows each week and will be releasing some online courses later this month. I have been running my podcast for the last eight months and on average have 67 people per month download my podcast episodes on the first show and 34 people who download the episodes per month on the other show and these numbers are growing daily! I also reach people from all over the world, for example, people listen from Canada, the United States, and Australia. At the end of the day, I’m able to educate, promote and have fun sharing my knowledge on these two podcasts and that’s what makes my heart happy!” said Ockerman.