Lakeland College hosted the Head Of Vermilion Rowing Competition on September 28, at the Vermilion Provincial Park. Held every three years, Lakeland College students welcomed participants from the University of Alberta and Edmonton Rowing Club. Approximately 50 rowers competed in classes of doubles, quads, fours, and eights. The three and a half kilometre head race had timed starts and offered a good experience for several novice rowers. Jenny McGuinness, Head Coach of the Lakeland College Rowing Team said, “The students are so enthusiastic. It’s nice to see that they are all willing to come out in the morning for practice and a lot of them are first year students. We would like to thank the Edmonton teams for coming, and many of the rowers’ families for coming to cheer them on, as well as the Lakeland College volunteers.” “It was a lot of fun! I think we worked together really well,” said Lakeland College student, Karalyn Mouly. She went on to say that she likes the teamwork aspect of rowing and that her coaches are really knowledgeable.