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Vermilion Voice

Copper Cork Distillery – Now Open

From left, Copper Cork Distillery partners Todd Ree, Rod Fadden, Randy Fadden, and Tom Hartwell. Photo Angela Mouly

People were lined up outside the door as the Copper Cork Distillery opened for business in Vermilion on November 14. Partners Todd Ree, Rod Fadden, Randy Fadden, and Tom Hartwell were all pleased to see their project complete and hear the response from the community. The idea for the business began 18 months ago, and they broke ground one year ago. “The product seems to have a good response and we can keep making different flavours all the time,” said Rod Fadden. “It’s great to see the community show support for us. It’s very different because there aren’t many distilleries in this part of the world. We buy local grains, and in one small batch we used local saskatoons,” added Todd Ree. In the future, they plan to look at more possibilities of how to incorporate more local involvement. Visitors enjoyed tours of the facility and tasting spirits and liqueurs throughout the evening. They learned about what all goes into making the product and examined fermentation vessels named Gertie, Shirley, and Helen as well as the still named Nellie. “It seems to be quite well received. People love the bright, shiny equipment and appreciate learning about the process,” said. Ree. They are looking forward to hosting a grand opening in the future and are already booking Christmas parties. For more information, you can call 825-388-0027.

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