The Vermilion Lions Club hosted their annual Santa Anonymous, delivering food and toy parcels to approximately 74 families on December 21. The program has been running for approximately 40 years, and now services Vermilion, Minburn, Mannville, Clandonald, and Islay. Head elf, Dolores Coates-Lingley, has been volunteering for the past 25 years, and Vermilion Outreach School staff and students volunteered on December 19. The program relies on donations of toys, and monetary funds to help with the food hampers, and according to Coates-Lingley, fills a need in the community. “My parents support it every year so I knew what it was, but hadn’t been involved before. It is fun finding things for other people and making them happy! I’m definitely coming back to do this next year,” said Melayna Kennedy. “Along with many other Santa Anonymous programs in the area we are having a challenge meeting our financial responsibilities. Minor Hockey adopted a few families this year, and Purses for Moms was a new asset this year. I really appreciate my volunteers; there is no way I could have done this without them, the Lions members, and the support of the communities,” said, Dolores Coates-Lingley.