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Skiathalon & Fun Race

Vermilion Voice

The Vermilion Nordic Ski Club hosted a Skiathalon & Fun Race at the Vermilion Provincial Park on March 1.

Participants had the opportunity to enter 2 or 4 kilometre classics, 2 or 4 kilometre skate skis, and 2 or 4 kilometre fun races.

“Cross country skiing is good exercise, allows you the opportunity to get some fresh air, and is overall really enjoyable. There are really great members, and it’s a good family sport that anybody can do,” said Katie Zorn who is 13 and has been skiing for 11 years.

There were some cancellations due to road conditions, but those who attended said the fresh snow was nice to see. Participants travelled from Edmonton, Lloydminster, Kitscoty, and Vermilion. Members pointed out that Sandra Kathnelson was the first person to cross the finish line. Some race team members participated as well as some of the jackrabbit families who meet most Sunday afternoons for games and to practice technique. Racers were awarded cookie medals, and enjoyed several draws.

“We love skiing because it’s an activity that people of any ability can do,” said Kaylan Zorn.

“It’s the best exercise you can get; it’s proven by research. It uses your whole body, arms, legs, and cardiovascular.”

“Every person you see on the trails has a smile on their face,” said Brenda Cooper.

“Thank you to the participants for coming out and to the Parks for grooming the trails,” said race team coach, Vaughn Cooper.

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