Town Of Vermilion By-election Update Angela Mouly Reporter The Town of Vermilion By-election has been postponed indefinitely. Previously scheduled for April 27, the By-election will NOT take place on that date, and the campaign process will be paused until further notice. Six candidates put their name forward prior to the March 16, nomination deadline. Candidates for the pending 2020 Town of Vermilion By-election include Andrea Kastendieck, Kevin Martin, Robert Snow, Erwin Warkentin, Kirby Whitlock, and Joseph Zizek. According to the Town of Vermilion, Town Council petitioned the Minister of Municipal Affairs to postpone the By-Election in order to fill the current vacancy on Council due to the situation with COVID-19 (the Coronavirus). According to Town of Vermilion CAO and Returning Officer, George Rogers, he has been in consultation with the Assistant Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, who has assured him that the department will be drafting a recommendation to the Minister to postpone the By-Election in Vermilion. Rogers went on to say that the Assistant Deputy Minister assured him that it would be unlikely for the By-election to be held anywhere within the next 60 - 90 days, due to the fluid situation they are dealing with. He went on to say that the Assistant Deputy Minister could not be more specific, as the final decision will be in the hands of the Minister. He explained that because Municipal Affairs are also short of staff due to workload and self-isolation within their ranks that it will impact how fast they will get the information put together. An e-mail that Rogers sent to the six candidates included the following excerpt: “I will keep you apprised of any developments, but you are being asked respectfully to refrain from campaigning until we have been given some clarity. This request is in the interest of public safety.”
Town Of Vermilion By-election Update
Vermilion Voice