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AWaken Therapies Grand Opening

Vermilion Voice

From left, Mary Lee Prior- Vermilion Economic Development Officer, Councillor Kevin Martin, Kevin Lucas-Vermilion CAO, Councillor Joshua Rayment, Mayor Greg Throndson, AWaken Therapies Owner Carole Wakefield, Councillor Robert Pulyk, Alexa Prior-Message Therapist, Heather Powell-Massage Therapist/Osteopath Student, Councillor Kirby Whitlock, and Vermilion Chamber manager Leanne Martin. Photo Braxton Hoare

Vermilion is now home to AWaken Therapies located at 4933 – 50th Avenue. The clinic is described as a multidisciplinary hands-on full-body therapy clinic focusing on all stages of treatment.

November 1, owner Carole Wakefield was presented a welcome plaque from Mayor Greg Throndson, Town of Vermilion CAO Kevin Lucas, Councillors Robert Pulyk, Kevin Martin, Joshua Rayment, and Kirby Whitlock, as well as Economic Development officer Mary Lee Prior and Vermilion & District Chamber of Commerce manager Leanne Martin after a tour of the new clinic and ribbon cutting.

“I decided to move to Vermilion because a huge majority of my clients come from Vermilion, women and babies especially and Vermilion is an amazing community and my husband is from here so the move was a very easy decision,” commented AWaken Therapies owner, Carole Wakefield.

Councillor Robert Pulyk says the council and Mayor are always happy to welcome new businesses to the community.

“I would like to welcome Awaken Therapy to Vermilion. Their location is in a prime location in our community and I have no doubt they will do very well and we certainly appreciate the services they are offering. They have chosen Vermilion as the place to be so that bodes well with our economic development strategy and our ‘New Ideas for Living’ strategy and branding and our new council and Mayor definitely support the new businesses that are coming to the community,” said Councillor Pulyk.

Mayor Throndson echoed Councillor Pulyk with the welcoming of the new clinic to the community.

“Every new little business downtown is a building block for the Town, it doesn’t matter the size whether small or large, they are making downtown stronger and that brings different people downtown every time and that’s what we really want to support, and we know that the community will support her 110 per cent,” said Mayor Throndson.

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