Vermilion Town Council discussed a range of topics on February 21, including the current lack of doctors. New replacement doctors are not scheduled to arrive in the community until at least fall.
Councillor Rob Pulyk said, “A couple of doctors have been offered a position in Vermilion. Was there an interest and when?”
Councillor Rob Snow said, “From my understanding, they have to do a practicum before they are allowed to pass their tests and come, but they are absolutely interested. They have been vetted by the folks at the hospital. They are starting their practicums in July, and so we have no firm dates on when they will be here yet.”
The Vermilion District Health Care Providers Attraction & Retention Committee met on October 17, and Greg Smith verified that physicians are still given a $10,000 incentive for choosing to practice in Vermilion. Councillor Snow said the potential of new doctors was a big topic during the committee’s meeting on February 13.
Councillor Paul Conlon was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of March and April.
Regarding Infrastructure and Planning, Councillor Pulyk asked for an update on the cost associated with repairing three trucks and said, “For this year we are going ahead with summer flower baskets as part of the budget, but not fall and winter baskets to save money?”
“That’s correct; fall and winter baskets are not occurring this year. I will have to get back to you on the repairs, but it is strictly the cost of parts,” said Ben McPhee.
The Mayor noted a potential difference in the number of summer positions, and CAO Kevin Lucas said, “We have cut back on the number of summer students but you are hopefully not going to see a difference.”
He also said their goal with the engineering for the former sewer treatment plant is to have a tender out to start late winter or early spring of next year.
Of note in Economic Development was that the Town of Vermilion had a booth at the Innovating Commerce Serving Communities (ICSC) conference in Whistler, British Columbia this year instead of just attending sessions, meetings and networking. Manager of Economic Development Mary Lee Prior, Mayor Greg Throndson, and CAO Kevin Lucas attended.
“The booth was a great success as we were approached by several developers, franchises and realtors that we would not have met if we were just walking around. Overall, we came back with some solid contacts and have followed up on some great leads for investment for Vermilion,” said Prior.
She also attended a drone conference virtually at Lakeland College and said Alberta HUB is working on grants for an upcoming drone project in the region. She noted a couple of parties interested in retail and industrial lots. In addition she noted upcoming businesses including one going into the car wash by Circle K, DB Delicious Bites in Hubkins, and Studio 04 in the back of Elevation.