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St. Jerome’s Awards

Vermilion Voice

From left, Work Ethic Award recipients Lydia Smith, Mary Ulrich, Gracie Sweeney, and Josh Beaudette. Photos Angela Mouly

St. Jerome’s Catholic School held its Awards Ceremony on October 7, recognizing grades 9 – 12 students for their academic and athletic achievements as well as model citizenship throughout the school or community.

Assistant Principal, Sean Whelan, welcomed everyone, and emcees Cadence Jackson and Raph Agbay introduced each of the award recipients. Both Miss Jackson and Mr. Whelan thanked the sponsors for presenting and for their generosity and continued support of the event.

Superintendent Glenn Nowosad said, “It’s much appreciated that you show up and appreciate your student accomplishments, especially on a weekend busy with sports and Thanksgiving.”

Awards covered honour roll, merit, and academic achievement in each subject. Recipients of the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship included Robin Axley, Kassidy Fehr, Clay Corbiere, Hannah Kissinger, Desirae Cutler, Ed Pacaro, Douglas Davies, Alexis Rehmann, Amelie Despins, Madison Shimko, Kenna Dewing, Gracie Sweeney, Sean Espiritu, Mia Westergaard, Dexter Fajarito, and Anna Willis. The Andrew Mercier Memorial Citizenship Award was awarded to Riley Krips, Joshua Beaudette, Alora Smith, and Anna Willis; and the Keith Martic Memorial Award recipient was Anna Willis.

Anna Willis, Spirit of St. Jerome’s recipient.

Gracie Sweenie, recipient of the Governor General’s Academic Medal and Premier’s Citizenship Award.

The Governor General’s Academic Medal and Premier’s Citizenship Award were presented to Gracie Sweeney, and the Spirit of St. Jerome’s Award was presented to Anna Willis. This year the St. Jerome’s House Cup went to last year’s champions Mackenzie House.

“With your hard work and the guidance of your parents and teachers you have proven that you are very capable of accomplishing great things. Congratulations to all tonight’s award recipients and always remember that together we can make a difference,” said Whelan.

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