The Census Program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years that Canadians are encouraged to participate in. The information gathered from the Census of Population is used to make informed decisions about Canada’s communities, provinces and territories, and the country.
“Many of our government grants are based on our population and therefore accurate census data is important. I ask all our residents to participate in the census,” commented Mayor Caroline McAuley.
According to, starting on May 2, Canadians can complete the census questionnaire online to follow the current COVID-19 restriction. The online questionnaire will be easy, secure and a convenient option that can be used anywhere and at anytime, with no pre-registration or lengthy download processes required.
“The Town passed support for a proclamation by the Mayor, at the January 19, council meeting, supporting and encouraging our residents to participate in the Census. The Town has also supported the census by including several posts including the Proclamation on our social media pages,” commented Chief Administrative Officer, George Rogers.