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Vermilion Outreach Centre’s Relocation Creates Environment Geared Towards The Needs Of Students

Vermilion Voice

Vermilion Outreach Centre completed renovations in J.R. Robson’s north wing and fully relocated on October 13.

Originally named “Vermilion Outreach School” (VOS), the faculty decided to rename the school to encapsulate the environment and the possibilities of what the school can become. Historically, VOS has always prioritized creating an unconventional learning space for students to optimize productivity and give a quiet, safe place for learning, studying, and connecting with peers and teachers.

VOS moved to J.R. Robson’s north wing from their small location on main street. The move was inspired by a few aspects: the building they were using was a rental and it was much more cost-effective to move to a location owned by BTPS. Additionally, in their previous building, they were unable to access the BTPS wifi network. Along with the move, VOS could also have a bit more room to be creative and make the safe and comfortable environment they have always hoped to provide for students, as the relocation would include renovations - which VOS staff was able to give direction in.

“They recognized that we had something special in the other school,” said Principal Barry Scinski, “the environment itself does not resemble a traditional classroom and the kids love it,” he added.

BTPS provided the school with all new equipment including chairs, tables, desks, couches, smart boards and more.

“Everything you see is brand-new,” Scinski explained.

The Vermilion Outreach Centre consists of two work areas, two lounging areas, a kitchen, and multiple quiet rooms which students can use for writing exams and the like. The hallway stretching through the building also has a small barstool seating area with a whiteboard wall, and lockers.

“This building gives us the opportunity to grow into more than what we are now,” Scinski said.

VOC Entrance. Photos Elaina John


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